When you see a friend of yours updating his/her facebook status via blackberry,Iphone,Ipad...e.t.c repetedly,you say “WOW,this person is goddam rich”.
In truth,not everyone of them has it.
You might want to ask “How then do they do it?”
Well,it's more simple than you can probably imagine it might be.
I'll be giving out 2 sites where you can easily do this thesame without stress.
All you need do is to locate whatever application you want to use and click on it.
Here are the sites
- www.statusvia.net
and - www.funnyfacebook.org
That's all.You should give it a try!!!
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2 comments so far.
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very good prank ........................I an easy to use method for this here - http://www.superpctricks.com/2011/07/very-good-facebook-prank-must-try.html
Please remove funnyfacebook, it is a proven atack site
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