Zip code can also be called postal code.I guess you know what postal code is.When registering for anything online, e.g Liberty reserve,yahoo account etc. you are being asked to provide your zip code,but most people tend to write the country/state's call code,i.e 234 for Nigeria and 01 for Lagos State,which is totally wrong.
To find the zip code of your area,simply click here and follow all the necessary procedures.
You'll see
Rural postcode search and Urban post code search option.You can guess which area your locality falls and if you don't find it,check the second option.Locate your area
here and get your code.
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4 comments so far.
What do you think?
I tried looking-up my area in Osun state,but couldn't find it.
Which area in Osun is that?
Did you check both the Urban & rural area for the location?
K! It's actually in the Rural area.
Gush!!!Can't believe this place is that local.
Hahaha!!! Funny.
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