Here’s how it works.
First,you create an easy text file with a one-line command and save it to your hard drive.
Next,set up a kwiry account and synchronize it with your Email account which you have set up in Outlook Express.
A rule must then be created in Outlook Express which will detect any incoming emails with that keyword and then execute the shutdown command in the text file when it does.
By sending a text with the keyword to your pc, an identical email is sent to your own email account, thus you can shut down your PC via SMS when you’re out.
It’s best to choose an obscure word so a normal email doesn’t accidentally shut down your PC.[Setup your kwiry account here.]You can also use this for cueing up a video game or a program which takes a long time to load before you actually get home to your PC by choosing another application besides from the shutdown file when creating a rule.
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Very Informative Post. Thanks for sharing.
--->>How To Shutdown Computer Using Notepad (Double Click)
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