To fix a hung computer,try this:-Ctrl+Alt+Del. This brings up the windows task manager which will tell you about the running softwares and the ones that are not responding. Choose \”end task\” for applications that are not responding as they have caused your computer to freeze.
If it still does not help, use the shut down option.In most cases,the shut down button won't respond. Just press and hold the power button in order to force the computer to shutdown.Keep checking for viruses and spywares regularly.Ensure you use a good and updated anti-virus software and schedule regular scans for your computer.
Likewise,check if the computer is over heated. Remove the case of the CPU and get it cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a brush,as dust might obstruct the performance of your pc.Make sure you use applications only when they are needed,as too many running application may also cause your computer to freeze.
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